
Galloway tells Al Bawaba Arab movement mobilizing for his defense
Long interview, short quote:
Q. Can you elaborate on this defence campaign shedding light on efforts we have been hearing involving lawyers from Lebanon, Jordan and the GCC?
A. Honestly, I cannot because I have just had a telephone call that Arab National Congress meeting in Beirut was setting up such a campaign and Dr. Ma’an Bashour I think is the driving force behind that. I also understand that there are such campaigns now beginning to be formed and I am very very humbled and moved by that. I hope that they will try to raise the issues and the consciousness of people about why these attacks are taking place. I won’t be the last
let me predict confidently to you. One country after the other, the local George Galloways who fought this fight will likely be subject to the same kind of smears and the same kind of attacks. So these defence campaigns can be a means by which we all stay together and face this difficult future together. I would like to say that if anyone would like to contribute to my legal fund, they can send cheques or payments to the George Galloway Legal Fund, C/o Davenport Lyons Solicitors, 1 Old Burlington Street, London W1. United Kingdom. This is a fund that will be administered by my lawyers to help fund the legal actions that I have embarked on to try to defend myself. Any finds raised will be spent exclusively on the legal costs, if we have a victory inshallah (Arabic for God willing) in the courts, the costs will be awarded we hope to our side and therefore any monies given would be returned to the donors because the loser of the case has have to pay all of the costs. So I suppose I am asking my friends to advance to my lawyers the money that I will need to fight this case.
Guess that oil money only went so far.
Posted by: Steve 2003-04-29