
Imad Mughniyeh to recruit Palestinian bombers to strike Israel
The reputable Lebanese Shiite weekly Shiraa which opposes Hizballah carries three important revelations in its coming issue:

1. Osama bin Laden’s organization has set up an operations command base in Lebanon.

2. Imad Mughniyeh, the long-sought Hizballah terrorist and hostage-taker, is touring Palestinian refugee camps in the south, especially Ain Hilwa, for talks on al Qaeda’s behalf with sympathetic Palestinian leaders.

3. A large CIA-FBI team has arrived in Lebanon to find out what what Mughniyeh is up to in southern Lebanon.

Shiraa reports that the terrorist chief also met with Jemal Suleiman, head of the Palestinian Ansar Allah, as well as Abu Mahujayn, Shehada Jawahr and Khaled Safayn, leaders of Palestinian militias in the Bureij camp of Beirut and Tripoli. They all traveled to the south for the meetings.

DEBKAfile adds: Mughniyeh is on the United States’ most wanted list as one of the most dangerous terrorists in the Middle East with the same price on his head of $25m as Osama bin Laden. The visiting US intelligence team is seeking to find out if al Qaeda’s south Lebanon base is synchronized with its new center in the Gaza Strip for a mega-attack in Israel. Israeli officials seem unworried by this new menace from Gaza, but the Americans are concerned lest Mughniyeh has been tasked to orchestrate simultaneous strikes against Israel from its northern and southern borders.
Posted by: Steve 2005-12-06