
Egypt raises security along Suez Canal
Egypt raised security along the Suez Canal today after receiving information about the possibility of attacks by al Qaeda on ships in the strategic waterway, a canal official and security sources said.

An official from the Suez Canal Authority, who asked not to be named, told Reuters the warnings had come from Egypt's embassy in Denmark but did not give details about how the embassy received the information.

Shipping in the canal, which is a major international trade route running between the Mediterranean and Red Sea, has not been affected by the measures, he said.

''The Egyptian embassy in Copenhagen sent warnings to the Suez Canal Authority saying it had receive information about possibilities of al Qaeda carrying out terrorist attacks inside the canal waterway against passing ships,'' the official said.

Security sources, who also asked not to be named, confirmed that security had been heightened.

Egypt's Foreign Ministry had no immediate comment.

The canal official said the measures included raising security on a road parallel to the canal used by security and the authority.

Other measures previously put in place involved preventing fishing in the waterway and closing some small roads leading to the canal especially in the area between Ismailia and the northern entrance of Port Said, the official said.

Oil tankers, container ships and warships regularly pass through the canal, which is a major source of revenue to the Egyptian government.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-12-10