
Key 'al-Qaeda militant' surfaces
The Arab television, Al Arabiya, has shown a video tape of a militant who claims to have escaped from the main American base in Afghanistan.
Must be sweeps week

The purported militant, Abu-Yahya al-Libbi, is said to be one of four detainees who escaped from the Bagram airbase in July. US officials did not identify them at the time but described the men as "dangerous enemy combatants". In November, US prosecutors said that one of the four was Omar al-Faruq. Al-Faruq was seen as one of Osama bin Laden's key lieutenants in Asia.

It is not clear what Abu-Yahya al-Libbi - also identified as Hassan Qayid - is doing in the Al Arabiya video. There has been no reaction to the tape from the American military. Al-Arabiya claims that the other detainees who escaped from Bagram are Muhammad Jafar al-Qahtani, who is a Saudi national, Abdallah al-Hashimi, a Syrian national and Omar al-Faruq who is described as an Iraqi national.
Posted by: Steve 2005-12-19