
Gulf states getting tough on Iran
U.S.-allied Gulf Arab leaders, alarmed at neighbouring Iran''s nuclear ambitions, examined proposals for a nuclear-free zone in the world''s top oil-producing region when they met for a summit on Sunday.

Syria''s standoff with the United Nations over the killing of former Lebanese premier Rafik al-Hariri also topped the agenda of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which groups Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar.

All kings and emirs of the GCC arrived in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi amid tight security for the two-day annual meeting which started at 6 p.m. (1400 GMT).

They hoped to defuse mounting tension in a region already affected by instability in Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led war to oust Saddam Hussein and militant attacks by supporters of Osama bin Laden''s al Qaeda network.

"We trust Iran but we don''t want to see an Iranian nuclear plant which is closer in distance to our Gulf shores than to Tehran causing us danger and damage," GCC Secretary-General Abdul Rahman al-Attiya said ahead of the opening on Sunday.

"This issue is very worrying, not just for the GCC but for whole world," he told reporters.

He said one of the proposals on the agenda was for a deal to be brokered between Iran and neighbouring GCC states, which overlook the Gulf shores, to make the region nuclear-free.

"As Iranian officials say the programme is for peaceful purposes, why can''t an agreement come into effect between all countries concerned and which could include Iraq and Yemen in the future."

"This will pave the way for a Middle East agreement in which Israel could eventually become part of ... this will prompt the international community to press Israel to open its (nuclear sites) for inspection...," Attiya added.

Israel, which has never admitted it has a nuclear weapons programme, is widely believed to have some 200 nuclear warheads.

Tehran insists its nuclear programme is for energy, but many fear it is seeking to develop atomic weapons. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad''s verbal salvoes at Israel, including his call for the Jewish state to be wiped off the map, have also alarmed.

The GCC also discussed a violent campaign by al Qaeda against Gulf states and Saudi King Abdullah''s proposal earlier this year to set up an international centre to combat terrorism.

The UAE has been spared militant attacks which have hit neighbouring Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar but organisers took no risks, increasing police patrols and cordoning off streets around the summit''s venue.

The GCC was expected to issue a strongly worded statement urging Damascus to fully cooperate with the UN investigation into Hariri''s death.

"They (leaders) all agree that they don''t want nuclear weapons in Iran and they don''t want Syrian intervention in Lebanon but they need to agree on what to do about it," one GCC delegate told Reuters.

GCC delegates said the Sunni-led GCC would also discuss ways to curb what they see as Shi''ite Iran''s growing influence in Iraq, where Shi''ites gained power after the ouster of Saddam Hussein. Saudi Arabia has bluntly accused Iran of meddling.

"We hope that our brothers in Iraq put the nation''s interest ahead of sectarian affiliations which would only serve Iraq''s enemies," Attiya told Abu Dhabi television.

"What concerns us now at this stage is that the elections succeed and a government that includes all parties is formed, one that will support the rebuilding of Iraq."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-12-19