
Video recording may have captured possible killers of MP Tueini
A video recording showing some people, implicated in last week's murder of Lebanese MP Gibran Tueni is now available with local authorities, a judiciary source said Monday.
Let's see if the Leb Master Detectives can do anything with it...
The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, told KUNA that Chief Investigating Magistrate into the murder Rashid Mezher now possesses a video recording of some of the perpetrators. "The recording was made by an outside camera in one of the factories across the road from the site of the car bomb explosion, which caused the accident and killed the MP and journalist," the source said.
I don't think I'd call it an accident, though. Accidents don't happen on purpose.
The booby-trapped car had preceded by five minutes the convoy and was met by a BMW car. Two men left the booby-trapped car and sped away from the scene in the waiting BMW car, the source said. It added that the film showing all this would now be sent to a European country, where the film would be better developed in order to reach a clear picture of the persons involved in the murder, the source said. It added that such a film constituted an important evidence in the hands of the authorities to lead them to the mastermind of this crime and probably others like it.
It's probably a blurry, grainy, ultra-slow-play surveillance tape shot through a grimy lens, but at least they know they're looking for a BMW, light or dark in color. I'd guess one was abandoned shortly after the boom, though it might yield fingerprints. Two men, so it wasn't a single lone psycho. It's not a Perry Mason moment, but they can do something with it if they want.

Posted by: Fred 2005-12-19