
Suspects in murder of Shiite cleric al-Khoei arrested
IRNA -- Iraqi police arrested two brothers suspected of masterminding the assassination of prominent Shiite cleric Seyyed Abdul Majid al-Khoei, Iraqi Radio, currently based in Saudi Arabia, said Friday. The suspects, Abbas and Mahand Al-Baghdadi, are now being detained in a cemetery in Najaf pending investigation and arrest of other suspects.
Could the location be a hint as to what's waiting for them?
Prominent Shiite cleric Seyyed Abdul Majid al-Khoei was murdered in the Iraqi religious city of Najaf on April 10. The reports said Khoei was stabbed dead by assailants in the shrine of Imam Ali as he was saying his prayers.
I heard he was hacked to pieces, but that could have been exaggeration...
Abdul Majid al-Khoei, son of the late Ayatollah Abolqassem al-Khoei, had just returned from London to help in the relief operations for his war-devastated country. He was a resident of London for over a decade and was head of a charity organization founded by his revered father who was of Iranian origin. He helped provide emergency supplies to Kuwaiti nationals during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1991. Hojjatoleslam Abdul Majid al-Khoei, 41, served Islam with his advocacy of the Islamic precepts of social justice and peace. He left Iraq in 1991 when the Iraqi Shia uprising in southern Iraq was quashed by the Iraqi dictator.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-05-03