
No broken glass for Janeane
Actress/anti-liberation of Iraq activist Janeane Garofalo went on a rant on Thursday's The View against Fox News, mocking the intelligence of their reporters and denying she has anything to apologize for after promising Bill O'Reilly she would apologize to President Bush if her predictions of disaster in Iraq did not come true.
Actually, I think she was supposed to crawl across broken glass to do it, but we wouldn't hold her to that part...
“Just because a statue falls down — that's a great photo-op — doesn't mean that the war or the conflict is over,” Garofalo argued, and the “Anglo-American conflict with Iraq” is “not going to end anytime soon, contrary to Fox News's idea of what the news is, their version of the news."
Nobody says it is. But we've won. Vast segments of the Iraqi population are friendly toward us...
She soon denigrated Fox News again: “I don't know what is more alarming over at Fox News. Is it that they know that, in the bigger picture, there's a lot of problems over there and they scrub the information or, B, they don't know because they don't watch the news.”
That's probably it. They don't watch ABC...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-05-03