
Teaching anti-Americanism in South Korean Schools
Blogger Marmot's Hole, discusses the anti-Americanism being tought in South Korean Schools.
But just to be fair, I took the time to download some of their anti-war teaching materials from the KTU homepage. What I saw shocked me; it took me a full half an hour just to calm down. In a booklet intended for middle school students in Kyonggi Province, readers are treated to graphic displays of dead and injured Iraqi civilians (particularly children), accompanied by extremely anti-American text. Objectivity was completely dispensed with; who needs balance in a brainwashing. In one quiz, found in the Kyonggi Province middle school materials booklet mentioned above, the students are treated to the following three questions:
1) What are the official justifications given by the Bush Administration for their invasion of Iraq? (5 choices)

2) Which of the following does NOT refute the justifications given in question one? (5 choices)

3) Anyone who believes the Bush Administration is stupid. Which of the following are the real reasons for Bush's invasion of Iraq? (5 choices).
Nice, eh? In another section, students are shown a list of American interventions abroad since 1801. There are no explanations or histories accompanying each entry, and many of the examples given are either wrongly attributed (the US is given credit for the British interventions in 19th century Argentina), highly controversial (the fall of the Whitlam government in Australia is attributed to the CIA), rather bizarre ("interventions in the internal affairs of Poland, 1980-1983"), or just plain lies (an assasination attempt on Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda in 1980?). Strangely missing was WW II (one of the byproducts of which was the liberation of Korea from Japanese colonial rule), although the 1941 "occupations" of Greenland and Iceland are included. Anyway, at the bottom of the list is sarcastically written. "America is a great country, isn't it?"

(see link for full story)
Posted by: Anonymous 2003-05-05