
Sadaam aides captured -Numbers 16, 41, 42 of US most-wanted list
On Friday, U.S. Central Command announced the capture of three Saddam aides. The command said two of them were members of the Revolutionary Command Council and the third was the director of Iraq's weapons development program. All three were captured on Thursday. The captured aides were identified as Abdul Tawwab Al-Mulla Howeish, director of the Office of Military Industrialization. The Office of Military Industrialization was responsible for the development of Iraq's most lethal weapons. Huwaysh was listed as No. 16 on the U.S. most-wanted list.
That's a pretty nice snag...
The other two Iraqis were Taha Muhyl al Din Maruf, vice president and a member of the Revolutionary Command Council. Maruf was No. 42 on the U.S. list of 55 most wanted Iraqis. The United States also captured Mizban Khadr Hadi, another Revolutionary Command Council member who had been an adviser to Saddam since the early 1980s. Hadi was No. 41 on the U.S. list.
Posted by: Becky 2003-05-05