
OJ offers expert commentary on ’Baretta’ trial
You can't make this stuff up, EFL:
OJ SIMPSON wants to return to the Los Angeles courtroom where he was tried for murdering his former wife.
I'd sure like him back in court
He is offering television commentary on the approaching trial of another former actor, Robert Blake, who stands accused of a strikingly similar crime.
Two dead wives, mountains of circumstatial evidence, etc, etc
Two American television networks are prepared to pay Simpson $US40,000 ($64,000) a day for his recollections and insights during proceedings against Blake, the star of the television detective series Baretta, who is alleged to have shot his wife outside a restaurant two years ago.
Everyone will bitch about them hiring OJ, everyone will be glued to the TV watching the trial. Ratings are everything.
Simpson, 55, who spends his days playing golf and arguing with his family in Florida, said last week that he would like to talk to Blake before making any final decision on broadcasting.
Uh, no.
Blake is being held in the same cell occupied by Simpson before his own televised trial in 1995.
Ain't irony ironic?
"I do not know if Robert Blake is innocent or guilty – very few people can know that for sure – but I do know what it is like to be hounded and treated unfairly," said Simpson, whose pledges to find his former wife's "real" murderer have been mocked by critics.
He tirelessly searched every golf course in America
"I want to remind people that a man is innocent until he is proven guilty, otherwise we are all in trouble. My first reaction was an immediate feeling of compassion because I knew what he was about to go through."
"Been there, done that, oops, been acused of doing that."
Simpson advised Blake not to take a lie-detector test, watch television or blacken his wife's name in public: "It just makes you look bad."
"Have your lawyers call the police racist, it worked for me"
Posted by: Steve 2003-05-05