
NZ troops in Iraq by mid-year, says PM
New Zealand troops could be in Iraq by mid-winter
that's summer in Iraq
as part of a stabilisation force, possibly under Nato command, if the United Nations approves such a force. Prime Minister Helen Clark said resolutions were being drafted and could be before the Security Council within four weeks. She said yesterday after her return from Europe and Britain that New Zealand would be an enthusiastic participant in the post-war effort, beyond the mine-clearing and humanitarian aid already offered. "We are not being passive. We're being very active in discussion with a lot of people. It is understood by the UK and by the US that a lot of nations are willing to help, but they are looking for some kind of multilateral cover."
ANZUS isn't multilateral enough?
She expected that "room of some kind will be created for those who have the kinds of concerns that we have. At the point that the space is created to do more, we will do more."
Sounds good as long as Kofi is not involved.
The can-do attitude is a contrast to earlier Government views, which not only disapproved of the war but would not endorse anything but a United Nations-led peacekeeping force. The softening began soon after Helen Clark apologised to US President George W. Bush for suggesting the war would not have happened under a Democrat presidency.
We've had plenty of differences with NZ in the past, particularly on nukes. But they're still helping out just as they did in Afghanistan. This leaves Canada as the only one of the great English speaking nations not involved. Not coincidentally, they elected a French speaking PM.
Posted by: JAB 2003-05-05