
Gary Hart: Pathetic Anachronism


Gary Hart recently paid a visit to our editorial board here in Dallas. He was singularly unimpressive, if you ask me. Isn't this what Donna Rice said, also?

He whined that the country was going to have on offer a series of Democratic candidates who were self-selected based on the ability to raise money, thus depriving the nation of a campaign based on "ideas." Of course, it is almost certainly the case that the reason Sen. Hart doesn't have any money to run for president is that no one thinks he has any fresh or interesting ideas, or at least no political juice to turn them into policy. He droned on and on about "multilateralism," without offering any real specifics. I told a colleague later that Hart sounded like the kind of worthy who was born to run a chin-stroking, left-of-center think tank.

I could hardly believe my ears when he trashed Bush for trying to repeal the New Deal. That line was fresher back in 1984, when Hart and other Dems used it against Reagan. Is it just me, but when I think Gary Hart I think of Hill Street Blues, E.T., Flock of Seagulls, the L.A. Olympics, and other hallmarks of the early '80s? He has no clue how irrelevant he is. How sad and pathetic.

I started to remind Hart that a Democratic president declared famously that "the era of big government is over," but I decided it was a waste of breath. This guy's not going anywhere. And the same could be said of the noxious nine that are currently running.
Posted by: ColoradoConservative 2003-05-05