
Serious interest in a theory that could lead to hyperspace transportation within a decade
EVERY year, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics awards prizes for the best papers presented at its annual conference. Last year's winner in the nuclear and future flight category went to a paper calling for experimental tests of an astonishing new type of engine. According to the paper, this hyperdrive motor would propel a craft through another dimension at enormous speeds. It could leave Earth at lunchtime and get to the moon in time for dinner. There's just one catch: the idea relies on an obscure and largely unrecognised kind of physics. Can they possibly be serious?

The AIAA is certainly not embarrassed. What's more, the US military has begun to cast its eyes over the hyperdrive concept, and a space propulsion researcher at the US Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories has said he would be interested in putting the idea to the test. And despite the bafflement of most physicists at the theory that supposedly underpins it, Pavlos Mikellides, an aerospace engineer at the Arizona State University in Tempe who reviewed the winning paper, stands by the committee's choice. "Even though such features have been explored before, this particular approach is quite unique," he says.

The theory this is based on predicts the mass of the fundamental particles to 6 decimal places... our current theories can't even get to within a factor of 10 of the measured values of the fundamental particles. In other words this theory is hundreds of thousands of times more accurate based on experimental results. Read the rest at the link... more here http://news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=16902006
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American 2006-01-06