
Islamic Paradise of Iran to execute another girl for defending herself from being raped
Iran : A 17 year old girl is sentenced to death by hanging.

Nazanin, 17, was sentenced to death by hanging for defending herself against three rapists...Nazanin, ... was assaulted by three criminal men in the city of Karaj while walking home in the midday last March (2005). To defend herself she pulled out a knife and stabbed one of her assailants. The knife penetrated the ribs of her attacker who later died in the hospital [this is the first time in a rape like this that an attacker was killed that I can remember]. .... Unfortunately the Islamic law does not even allow women the right to self defense.

Despite the fact that she had been acting in self defense, as shown by the evidences presented and the testimony of eyewitnesses, Nazanin was sentenced to death by hanging.

United Nations Human Rights Commissioner is:

give them something useful to do

Posted by: mhw 2006-01-10