
Damascus: No secret contacts with Israel
Syria denied claims by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that he had received indirect messages from Damascus over the possibility of resuming peace talks. It also rejected a report in the Hebrew Maariv daily that, a few weeks before the war on Iraq, a former Israeli foreign ministry official met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's brother, Maher, in Amman. "Syria categorically denies all the allegations...published by the Israeli newspaper Maariv as well as all the statements by Israeli officials about secret meetings and messages to Sharon on resuming the peace process," foreign ministry spokeswoman Bussaina Shaaban said.
"Lies, all lies! We ain't talking to those Jews!"
Damascus was "the main player that brought about the launch of the (1991) peace process in Madrid, but has always refused to negotiate secretly at any level. Making peace is an honorable thing that does not require secret channels," Shaaban told reporters.
Now, you don't suppose that somebody made up this story in order to get the Syrian government in trouble? Wasn't me, I swear. Fred?
I confess. It was me...

Posted by: Steve 2003-05-07