
Protesters tear-gassed after airstrike deaths in Pakistan
KHAR, Pakistan - Pakistani police tear-gassed tribesmen who burned down a US-funded aid agency office Saturday after the deaths of 18 villagers in an airstrike targeting Al Qaeda’s number two, witnesses said.

An estimated 5,000 people had gathered at a stadium near Khar, the main town in the Bajur tribal zone, close to the village of Damadola where Friday’s attack happened, an AFP reporter said. Some demonstrators set fire to the offices of Associated Development Construction, a non-governmental organisation funded by the US Agency for International Development, an official at the aid group said. “They have attacked our office in reaction to the deaths on Friday and put it on fire, it is badly damaged,” site engineer Fazal Maibood told AFP.

The mob had also stolen hundreds of bags of cement, and up to 20 tonnes of steel construction material were damaged by the fire, he added.
Expect lots of building collapses in the next earthquake.
Hundreds of tribal policemen had been deployed in Khar and other nearby towns to keep order, witnesses said.

Police later fired tear gas shells to disperse the mob after the crowd headed towards a music and video cassette market, while security forces fired two shots in the air, the AFP reporter said. Security men were also seen thumping arresting young tribesmen and bundling them into the backs of vans.
Posted by: Steve White 2006-01-15