
Excerpts from Ahmadinejad's speech
President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said here on Saturday that civilized Iran does not need nuclear weapons.

“We are a civilized and ancient nation, and a nation that has culture and logic does not need nuclear weapons,” Ahmadinejad told reporters at a news conference.

Nuclear weapons are sought by people who intend to solve everything through force and bullying, he underlined.

“Unfortunately, today people face rulers who think they have more rights than other nations because their arsenals are stocked with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.”

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Charter and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), all member states have the right to gain access to nuclear technology meant for peaceful purposes and no pretexts can be used to infringe on these rights, even inspections, he pointed out.

“Each year, tens of new nuclear power plants are constructed, but a few Western countries which have nuclear weapons are questioning Iran, even though, with unprecedented inspections and supervision, there is not the slightest evidence against us.

“They think they have the power and want to deprive Iran of its rights. They clearly announced that they are against research. They want to monopolize nuclear energy and impose their policies on other nations.

“These countries supplied Iran’s previous regime with weapons and power plants and helped (its attempts) to master the nuclear fuel cycle, but after the victory of the Islamic Revolution they changed course and stood against us, they imposed sanctions on us and equipped Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons in the (1980-1988) war against Iran.”

Ahmadinejad defended Tehran’s move to restart nuclear research, saying that research is not limited and that the move is neither a violation of the NPT nor its additional protocol.

“Research is necessary for a dynamic nation. How can you halt a country’s scientific progress?

“Despite the technological progress in the world, a few Western countries are mentally living in medieval times and say you don't have the right to scientific progress,” AFP quoted him as saying.

“I tell those few Western countries that today it is time for you to create confidence. The time has passed for the language of bullying, domination, and relying on your nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.

“It has become obvious for us that they don’t want Iran to achieve scientific progress. They openly acknowledge that they are against research. Is this not a medieval approach? They want to govern the 21st century with medieval ideas.

“You must have a better understanding of the Iranian nation and government; otherwise, you will regret your future actions. You need us more than we need you.”

Iran seeks dialogue and respects international law, the president said, adding that so far there have been 1400 man-hours of inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites and that now it is the West’s turn to build confidence.

Ahmadinejad noted that Iran will not be deflected from its right to develop nuclear technology by referral to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions.

“If they want to destroy the Iranian nation's rights by that course, they will not succeed.

"Even if the Security Council becomes involved, it will not help resolve the issue. We are not interested in going down this path, but if some people insist on depriving the Iranian people of their rights, they should know that such a thing will not happen."

The president criticized European countries for imposing a “stick” policy on Iran and threatening to send the country to the UN if it did not consent to their proposals.

He stated that the IAEA should not be forced to enter political dealings, adding that the UN Security Council belongs to all nations and should not be used as a tool by a few countries.

"Why are you harming the reputation of international bodies? Why are you employing the Security Council? Is it your device to use? Doesn't that endanger world security? Doesn't unilateralism endanger security?

“We are not interested in creating tension or in useless talks. Naturally, our nation will not accept anything imposed on it. It is our definitive right to have nuclear technology.

“We are the only nation that invited (the West) to set up a partnership with Iran and to supervise the country’s nuclear activities if they lack confidence. We are also ready to be their partner and to supervise their activities.

“You fill your arsenals (with nuclear weapons) but prevent us from conducting research.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ahmadinejad said Iran seeks to develop peaceful ties with the entire world.

He said that the Islamic Republic pursues an active foreign policy based on justice.

“We neither oppress anyone nor will submit to oppression ourselves. We seek justice and peace for all nations.

“We believe that lasting peace can only be achieved based on justice and spirituality. An imposed peace under the shadow of swords and nuclear, biological, and chemical arsenals will not be permanent.”

Ahmadinejad attacked arrogant rulers for causing suffering, saying, “Leaders who believe they can create peace for themselves by creating war for others are mistaken,” the BBC reported.

He said Iran seeks to further develop ties with regional states, adding, “We defend the territorial integrity, security, and independence of all countries, including neighboring states.

“We believe neighboring states can solve their problems by themselves and that world powers should withdraw and allow them to make their own decisions.”

The president also announced that Iran is prepared to hold scholarly dialogue with those who claim to uphold human rights.

“You can’t define a specific framework for human rights and impose it on the world.

“We are ready to dispatch committees to these nations and accept committees from them to assess the human rights situation on both sides and to inform the public about the contents of the committees’ reports.

“These committees will be sent to their secret prisons, they will observe the election process, the discrimination against religious minorities, the economic measures that are taken against the nation, and the decisions which are made to support terrorists.”
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-01-15