
Nepal says rebel raids won't deter polls
KATHMANDU - Nepal will go ahead with next month’s municipal polls despite Maoist attacks around the capital in which 12 policemen were killed, a minister said on Sunday. Five blasts rocked areas around Kathmandu on Saturday. The deadliest attack occurred in Thankot, 10 km from the capital, where heavily armed rebels tossed a bomb at a police post and sprayed bullets from automatic rifles, killing 11 policemen.
You'd think the police would be ready for this sort of thing.
In another attack, near the temple town of Bhaktapur, one policeman was killed and eight people, including seven policemen, were wounded, state television said. Two policemen were also missing after the attack, officials said. Other blasts around the city caused no injuries.

“These incidents will not deter the elections,” junior information minister Shris Shumsher Rana told Reuters in the first official comments after the attacks. “Since the Kathmandu targets have high propaganda value the utility of such incidents becomes evident for those who would want to impede elections,” Rana said.

“We are prepared for any eventuality,” he added.
"Tut-tut, my good man."
At Thankot, witnesses said dozens of rebels in plain clothes arrived in a bus followed by armed guerrillas in another bus. They carried out the raid then ran away fled into nearby forests. Unexploded bombs and bullets left after the raid littered the police post on a highway linking the hill-ringed capital with the southern plains.
Posted by: Steve White 2006-01-15