
Dixie Chicks and White, Angry, Redneck, NASCAR-loving Males
Selected parts of the story to highlight the biased and intolerance of Richard Blow and the liberal left. Isn't it ironic that his name is "Mr. Blow"?
Americans demonstrated an unsettling impatience with dissent during Gulf II; the prevailing attitude among war supporters held that critics, especially vocal ones, should be punished rather than appreciated, squelched rather than heard. The Internet was flooded with images of Natalie Maines embracing Saddam Hussein in a composite photo.
Hey, where can I get one of these?
A Louisiana radio station held a "Dixie Chicks Destruction" day. Pictures from the event showing little boys walking over a pile of CDs are truly chilling; though the differences are profound, you can't help but feel shades of 1930s Germany.
And Mr. Blow how would you describe some of the "street theatre" from San Francisco earlier this year - the burning of our flag, defecating in the streets, closing down streets and commerce? "Chilling" or "empowering" as you blue-staters like to say?
It's difficult, but essential, to understand why. After all, "Red-State" America has its president, its Congress, its pickup trucks, its NASCAR on Fox, its domination of the political media, and its war. You'd think that Red-Staters would be feeling fat and happy. Why then do they sound so culturally insecure? And why do they manifest that insecurity with such testosterone-fueled rage?
I dunno. Maybe 'cuz they have the testosterone to fuel it?
Much of the answer has to do with lingering sexism within the world of country music and among white male Bush supporters (the overlap is substantial). Most of the backlash instigators and participants were men. The Dixie Chicks are, obviously, women, and in some quarters folks don't appreciate chicks criticizing a macho, ranch-owning, cowboy boot-wearing Texan president — especially when the women are claiming the Texas mantle for themselves.
Once again, when you distill the left's rhetoric it always comes down to one thing — a virulent hatred of President Bush.
The Dixie Chicks are getting rich in the midst of a recession for which Bush supporters can't bring themselves to blame the president. No wonder status-anxious, economically-insecure white men are pissed off. The world is changing, and they're being left behind.
Ahem, no Mr. Blow, you and you're hate-filled minions on the left are - and will continue to be - left behind.
Posted by: ColoradoConservative 2003-05-09