
Gary Hart Fangs Democrats - Dean, Lieberman, Biden, etc.
I just love it when they turn on their own.
But the Democrats offer little opposition, he added. While Bush and aides such as Paul Wolfowitz foment a revolution in U.S. foreign relations, "where's Joe Biden?" Hart asked, referring to the U.S. senator from Delaware who is a self-professed expert on international policy.
Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor, is so inexperienced on defense and foreign relations that before his first trip to Israel in January, he called Hart and said, "Gary, what do I do?" Hart said.
Whereupon, Dean promptly puddled himself.
Joe Lieberman, U.S. senator and former vice presidential candidate, is making a futile appeal to the "amorphous middle" by parroting Bush policies.
Just like Hart to cripple the Democrat's most rational and potentially strongest candidate.
Some Democrats are running as "crypto-Republicans," he said, instead of providing their own ideas. "We have become reactionary liberals, holding on to the gains of the past," he said.
For once, Hart makes some sense.
Except for the part about holding onto the gains...

Posted by: ColoradoConservative 2003-05-09