
DPRK Bond sales: "brisk"
KCNA -- Subscription for and purchase of people's life bonds are making successful progress in the DPRK. According to data available, public bonds worth tens of billion won have been subscribed for in a short span of time since the start of the sale of people's life bond by subscription and more than one million working people have bought public bonds in the first 3-4 days after the start of the sale this month.
"Y'wanna buy a bond?"
"Uhhh... Sure, Big Ernie."
"Here's yer bond. Now gimme yer dough."
All the officials of the ministries and national institutions including the foreign trade bank, the academy of sciences, the ministry of post and telecommunications, the ministry of construction and building materials industries, the commission for the construction of the capital city under the cabinet, the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of City Management have subscribed for the bonds.
"Youse got a gummint job?"
"Uhhh... Yeah, Big Ernie."
"Buy a bond."
Officials and working people in all parts of the country including Jagang, South Hwanghae, North Phyongan and Ryanggang provinces and Pyongyang are all out to purchase people's life bonds so as to contribute to the prosperity of the country.
And once they sell that nuke to Syria, they can pay those bonds back. I'm certain they'll pay them back. After all, in the land of Juche, Songun policy, and plentiful grass foods, the Kimmy family always keeps up its of the bargain.
Posted by: Mike N. 2003-05-09