
Hamas ready to form Palestinian army
Hamas' political bureau chief Khaled Mashaal declared on Saturday that his group will not disarm and that he was ready to form an army to defend the Palestinian people from aggression.
hilarious. all that punditry about hamas reconsidering its stance, negotiating, renouncing terror, recognizing Israel's right to exist, etc lasted about a day and a half!
"We are willing to form an army like every country ... an army to defend our people against aggression," Mashaal told reporters from his base in Damascus, the Syrian capital.
I guess this makes it easier for the EU and the US to cut off funding. After all, they'd be funding an army of terrorists if they didn't. (and for all you EU readers, that's a bad thing). Only problem is, their army will be supplied by Syria and Iran. But those countries can't provide sustained financial support.
Mashaal indicated that his group would continue attacks on Israeli civilians as long as Palestinian civilians were targeted by Israel.
paleo civilians are NEVER targeted, though. paleo terrorists hide among them, and civilian deaths are part of their calculations. Besides, one attack on Israel by a hamas army is an act of war.
"As long as we are under occupation then resistance is our right," he said.

Mashaal's call comes in staunch contrast with international calls on Hamas to abolish its armed wing following its landslide victory in the Palestinian elections.
can't wait for al-guardian and al-bbc to spin this one.
"Resistance is a legitimate right that we will practice and protect. Our presence in the legislature will strengthen the resistance," he said.
and they lose the protection of being the opposition party. Now it's the government of the paleos directly attacking Israel. Popcorn time!!!
"If people raised the issue of targeting civilians, we said and we say that when our enemy stops targeting civilians we will abide by that," Mashaal said.

Asked if a truce that ended at the end of 2005 will be renewed, Mashaal said "it results were not encouraging." Mashaal then outlined Hamas' three goals: Reform of the Palestinian authority, destroying sustaining its resistance to Israel and "arranging the Palestinian home."

He said Hamas wanted a partnership with other Palestinian factions and called for the world to respect the radical organization's landslide victory in parliamentary elections.

Mashaal said he was in contact with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. "We will reach a partnership formula, and we extend our hand to everyone." He said no Palestinian faction would be sidelined. Hamas won 76 seats of the 132-member parliament in this week's election.

Mashaal attacked U.S. and Israeli opposition to the Hamas victory, saying the "world raised the slogan of democracy and now it should respect the results of democracy. If you want to punish the Palestinian people for practicing democracy then the American administration should punish Americans for choosing President (George W.) Bush."
hey. we respect democracy. we just don't have to agree with the choice or fund it. you're the duly elected leaders. go lead, asswipe, and shut up.
He declared Hamas' determination to reshape the Palestinian authority, coining the phrase: "Hamas succeeded in resistance and it will succeed in reforms." In an apparent reference to the ruling Fatah Party, Mashaal warned those "who might try block the work because they are out of power. They are the ones who will be responsible."

Mashaal vowed to work for Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails, which, he said, numbered 9,000.

Ghazi Hamad, one of Hamas' top ideologues, said on Saturday that Hamas may consider forming a government of technocrats with no connection to the radical Islamic movement, in a bid to relieve some of the international pressure on the group. "We want a government for the Palestinian people, and if we couldn't do that then there are lots of options, one of which is a technocrat government," Hamad said.
Posted by: PlanetDan 2006-01-28