
Gaza gunmen warn Denmark, Norway on Islam cartoons
Palestinian gunmen said on Monday Danes and Norwegians visiting Gaza could be attacked unless their governments apologise after newspapers printed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. Danish paper Jyllands-Posten's satirical images of Islam's founder sparked outrage across the Muslim world and prompted several Arab countries to close their embassies in Copenhagen. A Norwegian paper has run them too.

Ten Palestinians armed with assault rifles and grenade launchers rallied outside the European Union headquarters in Gaza City and fired in the air, demanding an apology and warning Danes and Norwegians they would be at risk in Gaza. "We warn the citizens of the above-mentioned governments against not taking this warning seriously because our groups are ready to implement it across the Gaza Strip," one of the gunmen said, reading from a prepared statement.
How about the Danes warning the muslims they have 24 hours to get the hell out of Denmark.
Posted by: ed 2006-01-30