
WND : Super Bowl Sunday terror chatter high
Grain of salt, but still a possibility.WASHINGTON – There is a high likelihood of a major terrorist attack next Sunday, say international terror analysts and intelligence sources. The warning is made on the basis of several factors, according to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin:

  • There is increased "chatter" in the terrorist world about a major new attack in the West – a sign often leading to an impending strike;

  • The date Feb. 5 has been specifically referenced in some of this chatter;

  • The date is significant to Osama bin Laden;

  • Much of the western world will be watching television that day;

  • The release of al-Qaida videotapes seems to provide clues about the dates of future attacks and, in this scenario, Feb. 5 becomes the most likely near-term terror strike date. Terror attacks seem to follow the release of al-Qaida videos by about 30 days. Some intelligence analysts are noting the significance of the release of videos recently by both Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

    Zawahiri released his last video Jan. 6, making Feb. 5 the most likely target date, according to past attacks. Some analysts suggest the release of communiqués by both al-Zawahiri and bin Laden might be the precursor to a mega-attack – something even rivaling Sept. 11 in scope and devastation.

    But there does seem to be an unmistakable pattern involved in the release of videos and al-Qaida attacks. Zawahiri, bin Laden's right-hand man, who narrowly escaped death in the Pakistani missile attack weeks ago, seems to release videos in pairs. After the release of the second video, within 30 days a major event occurs.

    For instance:

  • release dates of Sept. 9 and Nov. 9, 2004, were the first set of videos, followed by the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, bombings Dec. 6.

  • release dates of Feb. 20 and June 26, 2005, were followed by the July 7, 2005, London bombings.

  • release dates of Aug. 4 and Sept. 1, 2005, were followed by the Bali bombings Oct. 1, 2005.
  • The next set started Oct. 23, 2005, and on Jan. 6, the second video followed.
  • That, suggests some analysts, makes Feb. 5 a likely target date. Interestingly, it is also a significant date to bin Laden. Feb. 5, 1989, was the day the last Soviet troops withdrew from Kabul, Afghanistan, signaling their defeat at the hand of the mujahedeen. Kabul was the capital of Osama's adopted country and was a major win for him and Islam. Significantly, perhaps, in bin Laden's audio release he referenced the U.S. withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan.

    It also happens to be Super Bowl Sunday, when the eyes of the entire world will be watching America.

    Authorities in Detroit, where the Super Bowl will be played, are certainly taking the threat of terrorism seriously. According to the FBI and Detroit police, the game will be the focal point of one of the largest security operations in U.S. history, guarding against any threats to Super Bowl XL and aided by more than 50 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Including private security guards, there will be about 10,000 security personnel on duty, more than for any other one-day event in U.S. history. Radiation detectors will be stationed near the stadium. SWAT teams, bomb removal and other specialized law enforcement officials will be on hand.

    Despite the recent taped messages, authorities say there are "no credible threats against the Super Bowl."
    Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-02-02