
Zarqawi setting up attack infrastructure in Lebanon
The ongoing investigation into the emergence of an al-Qaeda terror network in Lebanon has revealed that members of the cell had plans to establish a military infrastructure in Lebanon with direct links to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Lebanese security sources said Tuesday.

Lebanese security forces uncovered a terrorist network in December 2005 consisting of 13 people suspected of belonging to al- Qaeda and charged them with planning to carry out terrorist operations in various parts of Lebanon.

According to the sources, the arrested members confessed to recruiting Lebanese and Palestinian volunteers from the northern port city of Tripoli, the eastern Bekaa valley and the 12 Palestinian refugee camps which are scattered across Lebanon.

The Lebanese police confiscated weapons, including hand grenades, bombs and machineguns from the arrested militants.

The Lebanese authorities expressed fears that the al-Qaeda network had taken a decision to form a base in Lebanon. In this regard the Internal Security Forces had re-enforced their anti-terrorism office, especially after Lebanon was hit with fifteen bomb blasts in 2005, including one which killed former premier Rafik Hariri in February.

The sources said that some of those arrested confessed they had been preparing to carry out attacks in Lebanon similar to ones currently taking place in Iraq.

Al-Qaeda has rarely launched attacks in Lebanon, although it has used allied factions to recruit scores of volunteers among Lebanese and Palestinian refugees who went to Iraq to fight.

Recently an Iraqi group affiliated with Zarqawi claimed responsibility for three rockets fired from south Lebanon into Israel.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-02-02