
China setting up HAARP style system in South Pole
Beijing announced plans last week to build high-frequency radar on the South Pole. Analysts say the radar could be used to disrupt U.S. intelligence satellites.
Or our new FALCON long range strike, our missiles headed for China, converted SSBN's to conventional missile subs (who were slated to hover in the South pole region for on call world strike.
The radar will be built at China’s Zhongshan Station, where Beijing has set up of a space environment lab.

National security analysts say the South Pole site, because of its remoteness, could be used by China to develop anti-satellite lasers capable of blinding or disrupting U.S. reconnaissance satellites, most of which pass over the pole.
The station will consist of 20 antenna units, including 16 units for the main antenna and four for the auxiliary antenna. Each antenna is 20 meters high. I think HAARP has got around 200The high-frequency radar can detect ionospheric convection within a range of 3,000 kilometers.
this is even worse our satellites have become critical to our warfare plans.

Chinese officials told Xinhua the station would be used to measure the polar space environment.
Yes Yes nothing to see here nothing at all, "Ping time till spy sat 5comes in range"

Isn’t the North and South poles neutral territory wouldn’t that mean this should and could be stopped, and if not WHY would we let them do it. What’s next offshore rigs armed to the teeth 120miles off shore of San Fran ect..to watch the migrations of sea gulls?

China’s space program, unlike the U.S. space program, is directly related to Chinese military operations.
A Pentagon report on the Chinese military last year said China was “working on, and plans to field, ASAT systems.”
Posted by: Threreting Whairong1203 2006-02-02