
Caucasus Corpse Count
Four Russian soldiers were killed and six injured in the latest clashes in Russia's breakaway republic of Chechnya. An official in the pro-Moscow administration -- who asked to not be identified -- told the French news agency AFP that the four were killed over a 24-hour period in different parts of the republic.

Firefights occur almost daily between the estimated 80,000 troops and a mixture of independence fighters and Islamic radicals. Earlier today, the Supreme Court of Russia's southern republic of Ingushetia sentenced four Chechens to 17 years in prison over a deadly raid nearly two years ago. The four men were found guilty last week of involvement in the June 2004 raid when a group of armed men led by Chechen separatist commander Shamil Basayev attacked police and government targets in Ingushetia. The raid left 79 people dead and another 104 injured.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-02-03