
Bakri mouthpiece warns cartoonists could meet same fate as Theo Van Gogh
Denmark, where the publication of cartoons of Prophet Mohammed has provoked the wrath of the entire Muslim world, should "look at what happened to Theo van Gogh", a radical Islamic group warned on Thursday, referring to a murdered Dutch filmmaker. "It says in the Koran that the death penalty should be used for anyone who insults the prophet," Anjem Ghoudary, a spokesman for the London-based Al Ghurabaa group, told Danish daily Politiken.

"Look at what happened to Theo van Gogh in Holland and you will understand that Muslims should be taken seriously," he added, referring to the 2004 murder of the filmmaker by a Muslim radical for linking Islam to abuse of women.

Ghoudary's comments came as Muslim anger continued to seethe balloon over 12 caricatures of Mohammed, which first appeared in Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, provoking burnings of Danish cars flags, the recalling of ambassadors, boycotts of Danish products and threats of violence against Scandinavians in Muslim countries.

The Al-Ghurabaa group, which counts as members many former students of the radical cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed who was stripped of his British residency last August as part of London's bid to rein in radical Islamic leaders, has also called for a demonstration on Friday outside the Danish embassy in the British capital.

On its website, the group calls Denmark, France and Norway, where the controversial drawings have also been published, the "Trinity of Evil", carrying an image of the three countries' flags ablaze. "The recent cartoons that appeared in a Danish newspaper and that were then re-printed ... which insult the Messenger Muhammad carry the death penalty in Islam for the perpetrators, since the Prophet said 'Whoever insults a Prophet kill him'," the group states on its site.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-02-03