
Galloway Barred From Entering Egypt
sumbitch wants to undermine Mubarak and let Hamas in to take over, I 'spect
MP George Galloway has been refused entry into Egypt by security officials, his Respect party said. The politician flew to the Middle East after being invited to take part in an event against the war in Iraq organised by Egyptian campaigners. Mr Galloway left the UK on Friday night and is believed to have been stopped by security officials who refused him entry.
"Get out and stay out!"
The Respect party said in a statement that the MP, who has visited Egypt many times, was refused entry due to "Egyptian 'national security'".
"And you're ucky! Imitating a cat, how un-Islamic. Now git!"
It added: "He flew out last night at the invitation of Egyptian anti-war activists to give testimony at a 'trial' of George Bush for war crimes organised by the anti-war movement, one of several such events that have taken place recently including in New York last week.

"George Galloway has been an outspoken critic of the President Hosni Mubarak's dictatorship in Egypt and of other pro-western Governments in the Middle East.

"Mubarak of course enjoys very warm relations with George Bush and Tony Blair. The Respect Party deplores the decision of the Mubarak Government to bar entry to a British MP visiting Egypt purely for his own goofy, partisan political purposes the purposes of promoting the cause of peace."

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said Mr Galloway was stopped from entering Egypt at Cairo airport at midnight local time. She added: "We contacted him and he explained the situation, and he's now booked on to a flight back to the UK." The Respect MP is due to fly into Heathrow airport on Saturday evening.
Too bad the Brits can't borrow from the Egyptians.

Posted by: anon 2006-02-04