
plea for cartoon T-shirts
In light of gutless newspapers refusing to print the cartoons - like The Age in Australia, could the more inventive out there please:

1) Make stencils of Cartoon Mohammed (you can stencil in watercolours only - no grafitti - around the city)

2) Screen print some sexy body-hugging chesty bonds T-shirts for women with some humourous Mohammed cartoon on, plus some loose T-shirts for men.

I would like to buy some Mo Cartoon T-shirts but don't have time to screenprint and can't find any on ebay.

Whoever does this should donate say 30% of profits to the cartoonists themselves who are living in hiding now.
No. Let's not do this.

I don't believe in wantonly insulting any person's religion. I'm a Catholic -- not a good one, but I try. I'm not happy at all when I see a crucifix placed in a jar of urine, and I'm even less happy when someone tells me that it's 'art' when they really mean that it's an insult.

In response, I haven't beheaded anyone, nor have I set fire to an embassy. I have, however, become smoldering angry over the repeated insults to my religion in a country where religious tolerance is supposed to be the norm. I understand that words mean something, and I understand that words and images can be used to insult, intimidate and humiliate.

I'm not interested in inflaming people of another faith. I'm interested in seeing our world become a little better, and little more peaceful, a little more tolerant of each other. That's the kind of world in which I want my kid to live. That world and that vision are threatened by some who claim a particular faith as theirs and who behead, and bomb, and murder based on that claim. I want that stopped, and if necessary I and a lot of other Americans will go whole-hog medieval to stop it.

But the world I want doesn't include wanton insults that are designed to injure others. I tell my kid not to do that, and it isn't right for me, either.
I agree. To do this sort of thing plays right into the hands of the Islamacists. If you want to help the cartoonists, you could donate directly. Or write letters. But if you create a visual image that can be beamed directly to 1.5 billion people it is designed to offend - many of whom cannot or wont' have access to read your carefully reasoned arguments but know what they're seeing when it is beamed into their living rooms or shown on a computer in the local mosque - you're just being a useful tool for the extremists. And they won't bother to send you a royalty check off of the monies and terror volunteers it gets them, either. JMNSHO

Posted by: anon1 2006-02-06