
Wake for a Lakota Sioux / U.S. Marine
From a Native American colleague of mine who is also an Army officer:

This is a slide show that shows a Lakota Sioux wake and ceremony for a Marine that was killed in Iraq. It shows you the integration of 2 cultures and the specific Sioux culture. Native Americans have the highest per capita service of any ethnic group. We are only less than 1% of the total US population.

Native Americans do not typically allow photography at traditional ceremonial events; this is why I am sending this to you. You may never be able to see this again.

There are a couple photos with Cpl. Brett Lundstrom’s body in the coffin, so please review before you show any one else.

Semper Fi, Lone Eagle. We honor your bravery and sacrifice.

Posted by: lotp 2006-02-06