
America: Get Over Yourselves, Damnit!!
A Danish blogger despairs at the way in which the cartoon protests were immediately seen as political opportunities by many on both sides in the U.S. Excerpt:
My disappointment in America is only deepening. Get over yourselves, dammit. The religious right has to realize this has nothing to do with "respect" for religious beliefs, and the far left needs to realize this has nothing to do with America's Christian right.

This is our second embassy burned in twelve hours, and you assholes are fiddling Denmark away, marginalizing the issue and trying to use it to whack each other rhetorically.

That's the kind of behavior I used to expect from Germany and France, but even they see the warning signs on this one.

On the other hand, Europe, it might be time to ask yourself if you're partly to blame: can you think of any reasons why America might be reluctant to involve itself in "European" affairs?

Something powerful and decisive needs to be done soon. Someone needs to turn on the red light.

Posted by: lotp 2006-02-06