
Tabtabaei levels poll charge Government plot favours 14
KUWAIT CITY: Islamist MP Waleed Al-Tabtabaei says the government is "plotting" to back 14 candidates in the National Assembly elections, which are due on July 5.
More deep-laid plots! I knew it! It just keeps getting deeper and deeper...
"We are warning of another Central Bank scenario similar to that in the 1999 parliamentary elections when the government vandalised the elections," said Tabtabaei. He claimed the government may use the emergency fund to buy votes and support 14 candidates to secure seats for them in the 2003 parliament, according to a government document recently revealed by MP Waleed Al-Jari and accepted by Deputy Premier and State Minister for Cabinet and Parliament Affairs Mohammed Daifallah Sharar.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-05-13