
Terrorists from Arafat’s compound murdered Israeli
Hat tip to LGF Jpost - reg req'd
A terror cell left Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's Mukata compound in Ramallah on Remembrance Day Eve, murdered Gideon Lichterman, 27, of Ahiya, near Shvut Rahel, then returned to the compound, security officials said on Monday. Officials believe the terrorists, who may be members of the Palestinian Authority's security forces, received their orders from inside the Mukata.
Arafat, as usual, uses bloody hands to greet the EU representative - that's why the baby wipes are always nearby
"The same cell also shot at a vehicle on the Aboud bypass road last Thursday night, but no one was wounded. We cannot rule out, but have yet to ascertain, that the same cell also murdered Zion David [north of Ofra] on Sunday morning," an IDF officer said. Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack in which Lichterman was slain and his six-year-old daughter and reservist Tomer Dar, 26, were seriously wounded.
That would be Yasser's personal thugs
A number of groups claimed responsibility for David's murder, but officials believe the Fatah Tanzim and possibly the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine were involved, despite initial Palestinian reports claiming it was Hamas. Asked if the army plans to operate once again in the Mukata or impose a siege as it did last September, officials said, "We never disclose operational details."
Trap that EU asshole in there with him for a few weeks - the smell's gotta be horrific
However, members of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip said IDF officers had told them that the same terrorist cell was involved in both attacks. They called on the government to impose a siege on the Mukata compound and force the terrorists to surrender.
or die - that would be preferable
Council spokesman Yehoshua Mor-Yosef said the demand was also raised at a meeting with Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom on Monday. The council members also presented Shalom with their objections to the road map and the establishment of a Palestinian state.
The peacefully coexistent Paleo state will happen, just not in our lifetimes
"Shalom said our demands regarding the Mukata were justified and told us that the government had not accepted the first part of the road map, but demanded that the Palestinians crack down on terrorism," Mor-Yosef said. Last September, the IDF launched "Operation Matter of Time" in response to a Tel Aviv suicide bombing that murdered six and wounded scores. Its goal was to isolate Arafat, destroy the remaining symbols of the PA leadership, and insist that he hand over the 50 fugitives he was harboring in his compound. During the 10-day operation, the army demolished most of the buildings in the complex and partially destroyed the building that houses Arafat's headquarters. But due to intense US pressure, the siege was lifted.
A true mistake, but errors can be corrected. I doubt Powell and the State Dept Arabists will allow this to happen though.
While Arafat was always free to leave the compound, officials said he opted to remain in order to shelter the fugitives. When the siege was lifted, Arafat told reporters that he would never allow any Palestinians to be handed over to Israel.
If yasser didn't have revolving doors on the Paleo jails, the Israelis would probably accept not handing them over
Posted by: Frank G 2003-05-13