
Disney reportedly drops Moore’s anti-Bush project
John Alvarez of Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood (PABAAH), has reported to Hollywood Halfwits that Disney has seemingly come to its senses regarding the Michael Moore project titled, Fahrenheit 911. According to Alvarez, he had a conversation with Disney CEO Michael Eisner's secretary, who was very familiar with the Moore controversy, and she told him that Mr. Eisner has decided that while they and Miramax were considering a movie project, they have decided that it is not something they would want to be associated with.
No doubt Michael Eisener will now be accused of supressing dissent and violating Moore's freedom of speech.
Disney, via subsidiary Miramax, had recently agreed to cover the production costs of Moore's "documentary" which claims bin Laden was greatly enriched by the Bush family. "The primary thrust of the new film is what has happened to the country since Sept. 11, and how the Bush administration used this tragic event to push its agenda," Moore explained.
It's only a matter of time before he's dragged off to one of those prison camps John Ashcroft set up in Idaho.
The film proved too controversial for Mel Gibson's Icon Productions, which earlier this week dropped their plans to finance it.
"Hot potato!"
Posted by: Steve 2003-05-15