
Chirac is not Talleyrand
If you haven't seen it, for some really interesting perepective check out the translation "Chirc is Not Talleyrand" on the Cinderalla Bloggerfella's blog. I couldn't find a way to link directly to the article, so you'll have to scroll down to read it. It's toward the bottom of the current page.

I think that it does offer some perspective on deVillepin's rather, in my opinion, DUMB moves of accusing the Whitehouse of running a disinformation campaign against the French. DeVillepin may think he's Talleyrand, but Talleyrand never had to deal with a "rude, unsophiscated American cowboy" so DeVillepin is, I think, just digging his hole deeper.

One way or the other, it's an article well worth reading.

Posted by: Ralph 2003-05-17