
Muslim protestors target Peter Costello
A SMALL but vocal group of protesters has gathered outside Federal Treasurer Peter Costello's East Melbourne electorate office denouncing his recent comments on multiculturalism. The protesters, who held signs including Muslims are Welcome and Islamophobia is Racism were outnumbered by police 11 to nine.
And this is a news story?
Protest spokesman Jonathon Collerson, of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Judaea Socialist Worker Students Club, said despite the small numbers (of protesters) there was widespread opposition to Mr Costello's comments. "We think widespread in the community there is opposition to what Peter Costello is saying, we think there is opposition to Islamophobia in Australia.
Sounds like Collerson might be brain damaged. Some kind of Socialist Work Accident?
"Essentially, what Peter Costello said was that Muslims who are not prepared to compromise their religious beliefs should be stripped of their citizenship."
Sure. If their religious beliefs included cannibalism they wouldn't be allowed to eat people, either.
Mr Costello's controversial comments came during a speech to the Sydney Institute last Thursday when he said anyone wanting to live under Islamic sharia law should move to a country where they would feel "more at ease". He also referred to a "mushy multiculturalism" in Australia.
That caused the mushy multiculturalists to howl at his violation of political correctitude. All nine of them.

Posted by: Oztralian 2006-03-01