
Zionist regime considering assassinating Arafat, Yassin
Having failed to crush the popular Palestinian uprising against Israel’s colonialist occupation of the Palestinian homeland, the Israeli regime is reportedly considering taking unprecedented measures against the Palestinians, including the assassination or deportation of PA chairman Yasser Arafat and Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.
Good idea! Best idea I've heard all week. I'd go with the booms, myself, since if you throw them out they're sure to come back...
The Israeli Hebrew daily, Ha’aretz, reported Tuesday that the Israeli government was discussing granting the Israeli occupation army “broader powers” to end the intifada, including taking “unprecedented stringent measures” against Palestinian leaders.
A little to the left with the tank rounds and you've got it, guys...
The paper said that among the measures being considered is the assassination of Arafat and Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and senior Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Dr. Abul Aziz Rantissi. The paper said the suggested measures were being discussed but no decision had been taken. Earlier this week, Zionist Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz proposed that Arafat be expelled from Palestine in response to the killing of several Israeli settlers by Palestinian guerillas. However, the Zionist premier Ariel Sharon rejected the idea, calling the timing inappropriate.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-05-20