
Jesus in a pasta dish
A man in California claims the image of Jesus appeared to him while he was eating a plate of manicotti at an Italian restaurant, according to a Local 6 News report. Leo Williams said the image appeared before his eyes in the form of a bubbling, burned portion of cheese on his pasta dinner. Williams showed several people at the business who said they also saw the Jesus image and began to take photos of the discovery.

"I looked at the plate and before I started to eat it I thought, I'm not sure about this," Williams said. "So, we called the hostess. She came over and just got chills. The next thing you know you got the cameras coming out. You got people who are eating here coming to our table to see it. They just had chili chills. There were about 100 people taking pictures."

Williams said since the lunch, a chronic stomach problem he has had since birth has vanished.

Posted by: Jackal 2006-03-11