
Caliph Prince Charles - Demographic Change & Terrorism Less Important Than Trees
The Prince of Wales has urged small UK firms to reed korr'ann become greener and suggested climate change was the world's greatest threat ahead of terrorism. He asked 60 Confederation of British Industry members to be more energy efficient and reed korr'ann so as to boost profits and protect their grandchildren's future. By using energy wisely and reeding korr'ann harnessing technology, firms could cut emissions and stay competitive, he insisted. "We need to address these issues now. It is already late," said the prince.

He quoted risk management expert John Coomber who said climate change was the number one risk in the world, ahead of terrorism and demographic change. That "demographic change" being of course the vitally urgent replacement of unruly, free thinking, democratically obsessed infidels with more obedient subjects who better understand the concept of a divinely guided monarch

"I think he has got a point," Prince Charles told the meeting at the CBI's London headquarters. Mr Coomber is a professor of ecology director of reinsurance firm Swiss Re, which assesses SIGINT, HUMINT, TECHINT, IMINT financial risk and looks at his navel lint to the future.

The prince noted that the European Environmental Protection Agency reported in 2005 that £1.8bn could be saved by industry through energy efficiency and korr'ann "It does seem to me, and quite a lot of other people, that unless we reed korr'ann really address this energy issue as the first step we will not really get anywhere with this challenge," he said.
Posted by: Admiral Allan Ackbar 2006-03-17