
Nepal govt. detains key opposition leader
KATHMANDU - Nepal’s royalist government put a key opposition leader under police detention on Thursday, after confining him for more than two months in his house, an official said. Madhav Kumar Nepal, general secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal-UML, was taken from his home in a Kathmandu suburb to a police base at Kakani, about 30 kms (20 miles) outside the city. “He was under house arrest. Now he has been detained at a security base,” a top government official, who did not wish to be named, told Reuters. Nepal had been detained under the Public Security Act, he added.
With any luck, soon he'll be dead.
The CPN-UML is restive Nepal’s second-biggest party and a key constituent of the seven-party alliance, which is planning a series of anti-king protests next month. “There is no rule of law,” Amrit Kumar Bohara, a top UML leader, said reacting to the move.
Yup, that's what happens in a civil war, espeically when one side is a bunch of Maoist thugs. At some point the other side has to doff the gloves.

Posted by: Steve White 2006-03-24