
UN urges Iraq to rein in 'death squads'
The United Nations has called on Iraqi authorities to rein in alleged death squads operating within the security forces. The UN human rights office in Iraq said in a report on Thursday that it had received serious allegations about elements in the police and special forces and "their apparent collusion with militias in carrying out human rights violations". Allegations that death squads operate in the country had grown stronger after the discovery by US-led forces and the Iraqi security forces in January of a suspicious group operating within the Iraqi interior ministry, it said. Twenty-two men, dressed as special police commandos, were caught when driving with a man who was allegedly about to be executed, it said. "This reaffirms the urgent need for the government to assert control over the security forces and all armed groups," the UN report said.
I'm against murder and mayhem as much as the next guy, and I'm probably against anarchy more than most. But I'm also not in the least impressed with the UN calling for the Iraqi cops to rein in their kill squads when bombs and massacres are in the news every day. To me, kill squads are an appropriate response to terrorism: find out who the bad guyz are, hunt them down, and kill them without mercy. Talking to them obviously isn't doing any good, and the UN sure as hell isn't sending any trained pacifiers to make things all better. Not responding to terrorism amounts to giving it free reign.

Posted by: Fred 2006-03-24