
Wahhabism, attempts to Islamicize Turkey, pose a threat to Bulgarian security
Alex Alexiev, adviser on national Security with the Pentagon and the CIA, and a Vice President for Research with the Center for Security Policy and leads the program on “Islamic Radicalism And International Terrorism”, said in an interview for FOCUS News Agency that the strong presence of Wahabi groups in Bulgaria and the attempts to islamize Turkey are worrying for the country’s future.

"So far in much better shape, but lately there are some very disturbing trends noticeable. First, I have to say that the Bulgarian Muslims, like those of the rest of the Balkans and Russia are syncretic and of Sufi origin and have always been very moderate. Recently however there are two trends that give me reason to be very concerned. First, there is the increasing presence in Bulgaria of radical Wahhabi groups like Al-Waqf al-Islami and many others which have lots of money to buy mosques and imams or build new ones for the express purpose of preaching hatred.

Secondly, and much more importantly right now, is the disturbing trend of the rapid Islamization of Turkey under the government of Erdogan. I don’t have the time in this interview to go into any detail, but what we have in Turkey today is a wholesale assault by Erdogan’s regime on the secular traditions of Turkish society as established by Mustafa Kemal. In virtually all areas of society, be it education, the judiciary system, financial institutions, culture and last but most, the military, Turkish secularism is presently seriously threatened. If Turkey. God forbids succumbs to Islamism, our national security will be seriously challenged.", Mr. Alexiev said.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-03-24