
‘South Waziristan run by Taliban’
South Waziristan is under the “full control” of militants loyal to Baitullah Mehsud and Abdullah Mehsud, enforcing “Taliban-style” governance, said Col (r) Yakub Mahsud during a conference at Peshawar University on Thursday. “Abdullah and Baitullah are controlling South Waziristan in the absence of a political agent,” he said in a talk on Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and the situation in the tribal areas. Militants are implementing a Taliban-style government and also influencing Tank district, he added. The retired colonel’s revelation comes after NWFP Governor Khalilur Rehman denied the presence of Taliban in South Waziristan. Mahsud led the government’s side in negotiations with the Mehsuds in October 2004 for the release of kidnapped Chinese engineers.
I doubt anybody really believed the governor, anyway. If we're this used to denials of the patently obvious, think what the Pak-in-the-street must feel like.
“Abdullah and Baitullah are convinced the West understands only force - and their point is understandable. They have no faith in Muslim states, which are doing little to save Muslims from degradation,” he said. Military operations in the tribal areas are not in Pakistan’s interest, he added, blaming Islamabad for not negotiating a peaceful resolution to the Waziristan issue. “Abdullah is willing to negotiate a peaceful solution and honours his word – unlike the government,” said Mahsud. However, he did not expand upon when the government “broke” its promises.
Posted by: Fred 2006-03-31