
Milosevic death prompts UN jail audit
Sweden has accepted a request by the Hague war crimes tribunal to conduct an independent audit of the detention unit where Slobodan Milosevic died earlier this month, the court said. The former Yugoslav president died in his cell on March 11 of a heart attack, months before an anticipated verdict in his United Nations war crimes trial. The 64-year-old suffered from high blood pressure and a heart condition. "The tribunal is grateful to the Swedish government for its support," the court said in a statement on Friday, adding that the audit would cover all areas related to the management and administration of the detention unit in a Dutch prison outside The Hague.

Milan Babic, a Croatian Serb leader committed suicide in the same detention centre a week before Milosevic's death. In New York, Fausto Pocar, an Italian judge and president of the UN tribunal on the former Yugoslavia, told UN Security Council members in a video briefing that Milosevic had been examined by several doctors, including a Belgrade-based cardiologist and seven others he had requested.
Posted by: Fred 2006-04-01