
La Raza opposes Patriotism and American Values
Internal La Raza memo - EFL.

Below I've posted information about the Alexander/Cornyn citizenship bill, S. 1815, which is apparently under consideration to be added to the Judic. Cmte. Immigration bill as a "non-controversial" amdendment. I fear it's very problematic. I've attached the text of the bill. NCLR thinks there are at least 3 big problems with this bill:

1) the way ESL/Civics would be funded would leave out many of our providers and community members;
Money first.
2)it subverts the whole natz test redesign and creates new standards for English language and history/civics that are unacceptable;
You gotta know English
3) while it doesn't overtly mention assimilation, it is very strong on the patriotism and traditional american (sic) values language in a way which is potentially dangerous to out communities.
We don't want to assimilate, we want to Balkanize. It's an invasion, not immigration.
Michele Waslin, Ph. D.
Director of Immigration Policy Research
National Council of La Raza
Posted by: Crutch Chinter2066 2006-04-01