
The Real Civil War
With all the recent MSM hype about an Iraq civil war, behind the scenes, a much greater civil war might be brewing. The US is aware of this, and is working to forstall it from happening.

It is a war within Islam itself. It is not easy to calculate, because their are many factions with conflicting agendas, and no easy alliances.

The obvious fight is between Sunni and Shiites. But it is unclear, as while the Iranians might dream of a Shiite empire, the Shiite are intensely divided among themselves. As are the Sunni. So this brings into play lesser factions, minority interests, and their programs.

One such split is between the primitive, fanatical, Wahabbi and Salafist movements vs. the modern, secularist, and even socialist Moslems. While not actively fighting, they constantly conspire against each other, and wait for an opportunity.

Another split is between Wahabbis and factions such as the Sufi, especially in Saudi Arabia. While the Wahabbi rule half the country, the Sufi are quite powerful among the upper classes, and if the Wahabbis ambitions become too great for them, and they openly challenge the Sauds, they might be replaced by the Sufi. As managers of all the Saudi holy sites. This could be markedly violent.

Other factions, such as the Moslem Brotherhood, could turn on whoever they see fit, in an almost unpredictable, but powerful way.

All told, it has become one task of the US military in the region to control any of these, or other outbreaks, that could spiral out of control and cause chaos through the ME.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2006-04-01