
Three killed in Pakistan border clash
An exchange of rocket fire between Pakistani troops and pro-Taliban fighters near the Afghan border has killed one soldier and wounded 10 people, including three children, officials and residents say.
Eight fluffy bunnies were seriously wounded. No word yet on puppy, kitten, or baby duck casualties.
The fighters opened fire on Saturday night, targeting a fort in the Dattakhel area, west of Miranshah, the main town in the North Waziristan semi-autonomous tribal region.

Major-General Shaukat Sultan, the very model of a modern major general a military spokesman, said one soldier was killed and four wounded in the attack on the fort. Residents said three children were wounded in a subsequent exchange of fire, but it was unclear which side had fired the rocket that hit their house. It was also unknown whether the attackers suffered any casualties as they fled in the darkness. In a separate rocket attack in the Shawal area of North Waziristan, the fighters wounded three paramilitary men.
Posted by: Fred 2006-04-03