
Afghan clerics want convert sent back
MAZAR-E-SHARIF (Rantburg News Service): Afghan holy men and their minions have threatened violence against the government unless a Christian convert spirited out of the country is returned so they can indulge their blood lust. About 1000 hysterical rubes gathered in a mosque in the northeastern town of Kunduz on Sunday and demanded that Abdul Rahman, 40, be brought back from Italy and sentenced to slow, lingering death. Sheikh Mohammad Baqir, a holy man and organiser of the rally, said: "This act of the government is illegal," referring to Abdul Rahman's release. "We have a right to see his blood, to see all his blood! To dip our hands in it! To wallow in it! Blood is the very essence of Islam!"

"Either he should be tried or the government should go. We urge other provinces to raise their voices and if the government doesn't listen, we will resort to violence," he said, attracting calls of "Allah akbar" (Holy Shit God is the greatest) from the crowd. "Violence is the other essence of Islam!" Police refused to let the gathering leave the mosque and march through the town, for fear of it going nutz turning violent.

Posted by: Fred 2006-04-03